
I have had a passion for networking with sugaring professionals since 2010. With the advice of my developer, I began the social media presence in 2012 with the Facebook business page (for consumers & sugar pros) and accompanying networking group (professionals only). In 2016 the website was launched. For the solo sugarist/entrepreur, I saw a need with online presence and marketing help to get found by clients looking for a sugaring professional in their area.

As a busy sugarist, business owner, and consumer, I value a ROI (return on investment). Sugaring professionals view Sugaring Source as a reputable and reliant directory. I see Sugaring Source as a phenomenal networking database for personal referrals. I have affectionately referred to Sugaring Source as a “little black book” or “sugaring rolodex”. Each sugar pro listed is personally vetted. I ensure each sugaring professional with a state or maps discoverable listing has

  • Agreed to the standards of excellence
  • Has been professionally certified
  • Has a minimum of one year experience OR is confident with Brazilian sugaring
  • Has positive reviews
  • Responds to any negative reviews with decorum and professionalism. I ensure there is not a history of deflection or client blaming

In a nutshell, I ensure that those listed are sugaring hair removal professionals that I would personally see myself and refer my own clients to.


FREE… for established businesses who

  • have a brick & mortar with business information that never changes (sm handles, websites, addresses, phone numbers, etc)
  • agree to our standards of excellence
  • have a handle with online & social media presence
  • feel like they do not need any further assistance on marketing or SEO

States Page Listing $60 a year

Maps Discoverable Listing $120 a year

Educator Listing (Maps Discoverable + Perks for advertising your class offerings) $249 a year

2025 Sponsorships and Events

Sugaring Source is a development project, so there will always be enhancements. This year, to grow more attention to the site, and to help our sugaring community grow, Sugaring Source is sponsoring and attending these events and channels.

  • Lipgloss & Aftershave Campaigns
  • The Skin Games 2024-2025
  • The Sugaring Convention

Sugaring Source is a one-woman team, for now. I devote time to networking, adding listings and your sugaring classes in my downtime, when I am not busy sugaring. In the meantime, the best way you can pay it forward, is to tell your traveling clients about Sugaring Source. If you have trained a phenomenal sugarist, let them know about the directory. Give us a shout out when you feel inclined, especially if you received a referral from us. Encourage your rockstar Sugaristas to join the the growing elite #SugarSquad!

I am available for mentorship and consulting. Feel free to reach out anytime. su************@gm***.com


Your Sugaring Sister,
Jamie Renee