Sugaring Source is “The crème de la crème of all things Sugaring”. We are a network referral system for sugaring professionals. This resource has been created to assist both the consumer and the professional. Our intention is to help build a stronger web presence for independent professionals to allow consumers to find them with ease.

For the Consumer:
Sugaring Source is “The crème de la crème” of all things Sugaring”. We are here to assist you in finding a state licensed professional who is also certified in sugaring hair removal. We understand there are different methods of sugaring, however, we are advocates of the one and only true method, which is hand sugaring (“the ball method”). We believe sugaring with strips and spatulas are, at the end of the day, waxing with a sugar product. We screen each professional to ensure they are a state licensed Cosmetologist or Esthetician in which hair removal is in their scope of practice. Our standard of excellence requires them to have been trained professionally in sugaring as well as use a manufactured sugar paste as opposed to a “home cooked” sugar paste. If you visit a professional that you have found on our site that you believe does not meet this standard, please email us at su************@gm***.com.

For the Sugaring Professional:

Think of Sugaring Source as your “Little Black Book” of Sugar Pros! We encourage you to join us in building a strong active community that will assist one another in all of our entrepreneurial endeavors. As we all know, some clients are either traveling through our city or moving from our city. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a resource to assist our clients in finding sugar pros just like us? Sugaring professionals that are both state licensed as well as certified in Sugaring and use a professional manufactured paste. YOU may be the one a professional is referring to! Sugaring Source does all the vetting for you. We screen every listing to ensure the professional is meeting our high standard of excellence.

The Sugaring Source community is here to provide information, links and resources to you regarding quality continuing education and premium sugar paste manufacturers.

Post your business name, location, specialty, products you use, website, all social media links (facebook page, twitter link, Instagram) online scheduling/booking and yelp review link to help us promote you and your business.

We are a very social resource on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Our aim is to educate consumers on the benefits of sugaring as well as promote your business across these social platforms. Be sure to tag us, @sugaringsource, #SugaringSource #CremeDeLaSugar, in any posts, pictures or videos that you would like us to promote.

If you’ve found value in what I do, please consider buying me a coffee. Your contribution will help me continue creating and sharing content that matters.

Thank you so much for your support! Every coffee counts and is greatly appreciated. Buy me a Coffee 🙂

We look forward to building this community with you and assisting you with your success.

Sugaring Source Team